The Celts

The Celts of today's Austria were an advanced civilization, and yet they are often still found in school textbooks as "barbarians", granted just a marginal note next to the "important" cultures of the Romans and Greeks.

They were our ancestors and an incredibly diverse and exciting culture.

Feared warriors, skilled craftsmen, earthy nature people, humorous storytellers ...

The Celtic novel series "Braider of Words" brings them to life in all their facets.

Discover the heartbeat of that time within you!

Food, religion, warfare ... I have looked into many themes when researching for my Celtic series. My blog posts give you short insights, but beware! I am not a historian, not an archeologist or timetraveller (wish I were, at least for a weekend!). Some of my conclusions might be different to university opinion, but that is to be expected by a creative novel author ...

Luxury home or shabby hut?

Luxury home or shabby hut?

<p>Most pictures showing celtic settlements show very basic, dark and primitive houses. Was this true?</p>

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Curses - fantasy or historical fact?

Curses - fantasy or historical fact?

<p>Living under the commandments of a curse sounds like fantasy. But was it?</p>

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Did they go naked?

Did they go naked?

<p class="ng-binding">What did the Celts wear?</p>

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The Celts - an introduction

The Celts - an introduction

<p class="ng-binding">Who were the Celts? What do we know?</p>

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