The Celts of today's Austria were an advanced civilization, and yet they are often still found in school textbooks as "barbarians", granted just a marginal note next to the "important" cultures of the Romans and Greeks.
Food, religion, warfare ... I have looked into many themes when researching for my Celtic series. My blog posts give you short insights, but beware! I am not a historian, not an archeologist or timetraveller (wish I were, at least for a weekend!). Some of my conclusions might be different to university opinion, but that is to be expected by a creative novel author ...
Voccio is the name you will hear when they talk about the Noric tribe of the Celts. A great ruler with many deeds under his belt. Really?
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a wonderful story about the dreams of a small leaf and what became of it
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We all know the Vikings discovered Iceland.Did they really???
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If you had a choice, who would you rather marry - a Celt or a Viking? Lets look at the consequences.
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How did Celtic women handle their periods without panty liners and tampons?
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