Try Celtic baking - a different kind of Christmas cookies!

Try Celtic baking - a different kind of Christmas cookies!

A different kind of Christmas Cookies

If you feel like trying out an original Celtic recipe instead of gingerbread at Christmas, you can try your hand at these Celtic loops (in a way the bigger ancestor of todays honeyloops ...). They are based on archaeological finds from a Celtic grave in Wederath (Germany).
I used to bake them often for events in the Celtic village I worked at, sometimes "spicing them up" with nuts, but they are deliciously "honey-y" even without.
The ingredients, except for the leavening agent, could all be found in the archaeological loops. The most likely leavening agents are potash or yeast. I found the results better with potash than with yeast, but have also used mundane baking powder if I copuld not get any potash.

250g whole spelt flour
200g honey
1 egg
30g lard or butter
5g potash

if desired about 100g of grated hazelnuts

Heat honey and lard/butter together, then add flour, egg, (nuts) and potash. Knead dough and let stand between 1 hour and overnight, depending on time available.
Form balls (of about 4cm diameter), flatten a bit and press a hole in the center with a wooden spoon handle (= make loops ...).
Bake in the oven at 180°C for about 15 minutes.
Let cool and put on the Christmas plate as a Celtic specialty.

